Resource & Solution Center
Hours: Monday through Thursday 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Hope Plaza is the city block where Christ Central Ministries was founded on May 18th, 1997. This location is where people in the midlands who are in need, come to find help and resources to reestablish hope in their lives. Here are the primary offerings at Hope Plaza:
Strategies for Life Improvement
Come in for an interview that will include assessment of your current housing, education, employment, job skills, health and financial issues, etc., and development of a strategy for improving your situation. The strategy will be based primarily on matching client needs with available resources. Once that strategy is developed, we will meet with clients regularly to monitor progress and adjust strategies as needed. For an appointment, call 803-828-9125.
Our goals are to ensure:
Each person seeking improvement has a plan in place;
Each person seeking improvement has transportation to get to needed resources;
All improvement plans are monitored and adjusted as necessary.
Transitional Housing
We accept applications for the Christ Central Transitional Housing facilities in
Richland and Lexington Counties: Hannah House and Samaritan's Well.
Call 803-828-9125 for an appointment. If you call after hours, please leave a message,
and we will return your call within 24 hours.
Optical Assistance
The Eye Clinic is open the second Wednesday of each month. If you have any questions or want to schedule an eye exam, please contact the Resource & Solution Center at 803-828-9125.
We depend on a core of volunteers, often retirees, to perform a wide variety of critical services assisting those in need. Such persons are usually the first people our patients see when they enter the clinic and the last they see upon departure. If you have interpersonal, computer, or telephone skills, we may have a place for you.
Free GED Assistance
Call 803-828-9125 for an appointment for free TABE testing and to sign up for final test preparation if qualified.
Our Donation list of Cleaning Products:
Toiletries, Trash Bags, Snacks, Socks, Wash Clothes, Deodorant, Tooth Paste, Feminine Napkins, Mens Underwear, Ladies Underwear
Opportunities for You:
We depend on your donations to support our ministry. If you can help, please go HERE to express your interest or simply use the PayPal Donate Button. Please specify your donation is for the Resource & Solution Center.
And we have many opportunities for volunteers to serve. You may contact us at 803-828-9125 or email at resources@ccmins.com, or stop by the Resource & Solution Center and speak to someone about what volunteer opportunities are available.

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