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Wagener Women's Well


117 Railroad Avenue West,

Wagener, SC 29164

Director: Regina & Rudy Tager


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This ministry is based on the Samaritan Woman’s encounter with Jesus described in the fourth chapter of the Gospel of John. Jesus’ speaking with her violated a double taboo in New Testament times, but Jesus was no respecter of race or gender. He offered her “Living Water,” told her of her past, spoke to her of true worship, and identified Himself. She was transformed and returned to her village to spread the Good News.

Jesus still speaks to women today. No matter what your past, He knows just as He knew the past of the Samaritan woman. He stands ready to forgive and offer you the Living Water.


Please join us at Women’s Well Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9AM till 3PM for prayer, praise, worship, and fellowship, not to mention sewing lessons, canning lessons, Bible study, quilting instruction, and Cooking Healthy lessons.


Please call or email us for more information.


Check out our Facebook page for current

information and photos!

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