In our Hope and Help Conference (November 7-9, 2024), we were asked to package materials that the CCM Directors could use in mission stations to assist their communities in breaking the poverty cycle. We are responding to conference attendees' requests with a series of one-day Train-the-Trainer Workshops over the next several months.
First Workshop Focus: Education Basics
Date: Monday, February 17, 2025
Time: 10am - 2pm
Location: Hope Plaza Conference Center
1215 Calhoun Street, Columbia, SC
Subjects have been piloted/launched, materials made accessible, and now the following training is being offered on how to deliver these programs effectively:
Fundamentals of Math (Facilitator: Roger Floyd)--Some questions addressed: Why is math important? What are some practical everyday uses of math? Also, programs, such as GED, Math Camps, ASVAB, and Tutoring in High/Middle Schools, will be discussed.
Fundamentals of Reading (Facilitator: Dr. Cynthia Walden)--Questions addressed: Why become a skilled reader? What are the fundamentals of an excellent reading program?
There will be a brief general session, beginning at 10am, with breakouts to follow. Boxed lunch and drink provided.